Saturday, 24 November 2012

thougths for #yyj and #yyc

Hello Victoria and Calgary,

I got the idea in my mind for this post about two weeks ago when I was considering how I can do my part to share my story, my narrative and have a small bit of influence when it comes to the by-elections going on in Calgary and Victoria. It’s just been in the last day that I really found what I wanted to say.

I believe that when we share our stories we give each other space to be more ourselves, to ask questions that we might feel are silly at the time and to know that other people are also figuring it out.

I am someone who 

-          is a first generation university student

-          is a daughter and sister

-          thinks buying second hand clothes is a good idea

-          likes systems and org charts

-          loves biking and hiking

-          enjoys a good pant suit every now and then

-          appreciate budgets and being accountable with money

-          loves board game parties

-          plans training and meetings with chart paper, markers and brainstorming bubbles

-          would rather walk than drive because it allows me to hear and see humanity up close

-          appreciates thoughtful debate

-          values collaboration

-          believes we are stronger together than we are apart

-          knows that a political party can’t address everything I believe

-          speak to issues, not against people

-          enjoys strategic planning

-          thinks ice cream should be its own food group

-          wants to live in a healthy community in which we consider more than just money as a definition of success

AND, I am someone who is a member of the Green Party!

I have been since October of 2011 when I decided to that I needed to define what I wanted to be for in regards to our Canada. Many of my friends would find it surprising that I haven’t been a member of a party, ever, until then.  It was the Green Party that captured me.  These are some of the influencing factors that gave me freedom to choose to be green.

1.       Holistic policy that was clear

2.       Current issues are being addressed

3.       Long term planning is being considered

4.       Isn’t just environmental policy

5.       Thoughtful pieces of policy that show care for quality of life

6.       Overall, smart and thoughtful people connected to the party

7.       MPs and MPPs speak for their electorate not for the talking points they have been given.

8.       The processes used to contribute to democracy just make sense to me.

Why does this matter? Why am I taking time to post this? I think it matters because I believe that some of you reading this can identify with me.  

Maybe in some small way you and I share some similarities.

Maybe you have always been involved in the political process here in Canada but have never been a member of a political party …….
Maybe you don't know if political parties really do make a difference

Maybe you have felt that you can contribute more but you don’t know which party to join…….

Maybe you happen to be at a place in your heart and in your head where you see what is happening in Canada and you can’t reconcile just being politically aware and voting as enough…..

Maybe you are thinking that you want to get involved but you are not sure how that might affect your relationships with family and friends and with those you work with …….

Maybe you are trying to reconcile personal beliefs with which party can best advocate for what you feel is important.

Maybe you question how getting involved in a more significant way really does matter.

Might you accept my words suggesting that it does matter. And that I have seen in my short time as a member of the Green Party that people do have the power to make a difference and that when leaders honor the people they are working for and go about their job with a dedication and commitment to always work for you, things happen that make us a better community, that make us the Canada we know we can be.  

And so, to those in Victoria and Calgary who don't have party status, or who don't think this vote really matters, would you do me a favour and would you take a moment to read through Donald Galloway’s (Victoria) web page and Chris Turner’s (Calgary) web page

And, would you know that on Monday Nov 26th you have an opportunity to make a huge statement that would benefit your ridings, and the rest of the country as we consider the influence 3 Green MPs will have for our quality of life,  for our Canada.

Thank You.


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